Sunday, April 18, 2021

We must guard ourselves from small sins so we do not fall into big sins ( The Salvation of Sinners )

We should always remember that indifference for small sins can lead us to great danger.
We must diligently and tirelessly sever various evils as soon they appear, because there is impending doom looming when someone starts growing accustomed to any sin.
On account of a small nail that was overlooked, a horseshoe comes loose; and on account of this small piece of metal, an entire horse falls and becomes injured. And in turn, the person riding the horse is fatally wounded. If a person had attended to the small defect when it first appeared, he would not have ended up being killed untimely on account of his negligence. 
Large buildings and homes do not collapse all of a sudden. First, a small opening appears in the roof or one of the walls. Subsequently, if the damage is not repaired, over time it progressively becomes larger, the structure becomes compromised, it starts to cave in, and it ultimately collapses. 
What is a small spark? Nothing. You can put it out using your bare finger. However, if left unchecked, it can spread and become a raging fire that consumes an entire forest and all the natural wildlife it engulfs.
One small insect alone, such as a bee or a wasp, is harmless; however, when they swarm together in large numbers, with their sting they are capable of killing a bear, a lion, or a human being.
What is a single grain of sand? Isn’t it almost weightless and invisible? However, if an entire boat is loaded with sand, the excessive weight will cause it to sink.
What are a few drops of rain? Are they not very tiny? However, when an infinite number of them come together, they form a raging river that uproots everything in its path (even gigantic trees and houses), it erodes the earth itself, and causes flooding to an entire city.
What is a single bacteria or virus? Nothing! It is barely visible under a microscope. However, when bacteria and viruses remain unchecked and are permitted to multiply and grow, they produce infection, which oftentimes spreads and leads to death.
Let us struggle a little, my brothers, to avoid and eradicate small sins as soon as we detect them, and we will find a great deal of rest and freedom, with the help of our God.

The Salvation of Sinners 

Obedience to our spiritual fathers ( St. Daniel of Katounakia )

In light of a certain letter that recently came out, this spiritual advice is very timely and pertinent. I do not mean, my children in the ...