Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Answer to anxiety - St Paisios the Athonite

The answer to our anxiety is not drugs, alcohol, tranquilizers or psychiatric treatment. It will not be cured by Yoga or some new age or eastern meditation practice. 
The problem is that we have lost God as the center of our lives. Once we make our love of God the primary focus of our lives and allow His grace to work though us, then no matter what circumstance we encounter in life we will be comforted and embraced in His love. All anxiety disappears. 
This is the aim of the Orthodox way of life, to put God first and seek the Holy Spirit. The anxieties of modern life are only symptoms of our separation from God.

St. Paisios the Athonite 

Obedience to our spiritual fathers ( St. Daniel of Katounakia )

In light of a certain letter that recently came out, this spiritual advice is very timely and pertinent. I do not mean, my children in the ...